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Cathy Jieyu

Blissful Mama - First month​

From Troditional Chinese medicine’s perspective, we can not emphasize more the importance of the first month of motherhood for the purpose of healing, lactation or preventing sickness and emotional difficulties. When treated well, you can take advantage of giving birth to heal, become even younger and rejuvenate.

From the experience of myself and our mama community, I deeply understand how quality care for the mother can change the whole game, when everybody’s focus is on the baby. 

That’s why, applying the long proven practice and recipes, I crafted a month program, for the blissful mama.

Imagine two hours completely for yourself, i will support you with a space and time to just be, deeply rest and nourish.

Taking all four treatments below as holistic journey or some of them depending on your preference. Feel free to contact me and I’ll guide you through.



Herbal Soup as remedy

Good herbal soups nurture your body and elevate your self healing energy. The nutrition is easy to absorb and the liquid intake helps lactation, making it a perfect for the exhausted mothers and happy babies -with good quality of milk.

This soup program is designed for you and for the body’s regeneration journey.

Week 1: Wound Restoring, preparing stomach and digest system.

Week 2: Vital Qi replenishing — self healing energy to bring pelvis and organs back in place, as well as sufficient lactation.

Week 3: Regulate Qi and blood, restoring physical strength.

Week 4: Nourishing tonic promotes metabolism,  glowing skin, strengthening emotional stability

* Naturally,  when combine above soup program with Postpartum Qi massage and other healing practice the recovery will be even more effective.

15 packs of herbal ingredients are prepared for 15 soups over the month, with detail instructions. 68 euro for one month program.

If you live in Berlin, it’s also an option to order ready make soups. 98 euro for one month program.

Please leave your demand or requires in contact form.

(Important for the remedy effect, is the source and quality of the herbals. I will introduce the strict selection of each herb in the blog)

chinese herbal soup
massage prenatal

Postpartum Qi massage

A postnatal massage is designed for mothers who have just given birth, to help to readjust or realign the body and its parts into their pre-pregnancy positions.

Qi massage goes along the energy mandarins that elevate self-healing and vital energies.

In those little bit overwhelming days, a touch from warm healing hands not only relieve stress but also server as strong emotional support. 

Herbal foot bath

In Chinese medicine, there are 60 Acupoints below the ankle join. Just like trees need mulching, foot bath is long time practice for nurturing wellbeing.

Through thermal stimulation, foot bath acts on corresponding reflex areas, which helps to prevent abdominal distension, constipate and facilitates wound healing.

When you don’t have time or mood to bath everyday, let this 15mins of relaxing ritual promote your guardian Qi, a pleasant mood and good sleep.

Sound bath for deep rest

A grounding and nurturing sound bath allows your whole system to calm down and realign you back with yourself again, to balance everything you give to the people around you.

Practicing just be, simple mindful exercise if you will, will benefit you throughout the first months and beyond.