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Cathy Jieyu

A Moving Meditation to Recharge Mind and Body Energy at Home

“You have more capacity to develop mind and spirit when the energy of the body is fully recharged.”

Dao Yin is one of the five main practices in traditional Chinese medicine. It focuses on engaging one’s breath and inner energy flow in order to achieve balance and health. The idea is to enhance physical well-being first, then the capacity to develop your mind and spirit will follow. It’s one of the few primary health practices in China that doesn’t have to be prescribed by a doctor; you can adopt it yourself for enhanced wellness.
“Dao” (导) means to guide qi, the internal energy of the body, to create an internal balance, and “Yin” (引) means stretching the body to gain strength and flexibility. Through physical movements, practicing Dao Yin can create harmony of qi and blood in the body, thereby preventing disease, dispelling “evil qi” and improving health.
In this post, Cathy answers a few questions about Dao Yin and how she practices it with her clients to effectively recharge mind and body energy at home.

What is Dao Yin, as you see it?
This rhythmic exercise is like a “mountain stream” moving the body and its fluids. Mind and body are in harmony. The vital energy is circulated to and nurturing every part of the body. It’s also a moving meditation to calm down and get in the flow. It’s easier to get to a meditative state when the body moves, since the mind quiets down.

How is your Dao Yin practice different from others?
I practice according to the seasons as the different patterns of the macro-universe have an impact on our micro-universe. And I focus more on the connected mind and body energy, Qi Gong, Tai Chi and movements learned by watching animals in nature. They encourage coming back to calmness and relaxation of oneself… Coming out of an 8-year high stress profession, I deeply understand the benefits and importance of this. By releasing stresses and energy blockages in the body, less energy is burnt (without knowing) and more tasks can be achieved with ease. And you have more capacity to develop mind and spirit when the energy of the body is fully recharged. Moreover, this movements can be practice with the ease at home.

Where does this inner energy flow come from exactly?
From a Chinese medicine standpoint, life is supported by this energy flow and it starts from one’s parents, then after birth from the food and lifestyle one adopts. Dao Yin is a way to rebalance the energy and encourage replenishment of the flow. In exercise, we also recognise Dantian, located below the navel, as the flow centre and energy source. But you can also engage outer energy from the universe into the body. It’s all connected. Your whole body is radiating energy. When you’re fully relaxed in a flow, you can recharge your energy from the space around you through every cell in your skin. Nature is great to recharge for this reason. The vibrations around you have an impact on you.

How long does a typical Dao Yin session last?
It depends on your skill level. It can last 15-20 minutes, or just 15 seconds if you’re dedicated (maybe with some experiences).

How can your well-being change the longer you practice Dao Yin, over time?
Enhanced circulation over time helps with unknown pains. Breathing engages the qi and helps with things like endurance for speaking (for me). Stress releasing is another universal effect. But the effects are different for everyone.

Cathy is offering Dao Yin sessions online together with programs designed for busy professionals to recharge energy.
Saga Briggs is a science journalist and Reiki practitioner. She writes about interoception, the process of sensing the body from within, at

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