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Cathy Jieyu

Five red soup- A boost for blood and Qi

* Chinese Date, can nourish blood and calm the nerves

* Goqi berries, nourishes the kidney and the liver, improve eyesight

* Peanuts, with red coating skins, can nourish blood

* Red beans, shaped like kidneys, which can clear the heart and nourish the mind, strengthen the spleen and kidney

* Brown sugar is warm and sweet in nature, invigorates the spleen and warms the stomach, relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis

Recipe: 15min

Date, Peanuts and Red beans: 30g each. Goqi Berry 15g. Water 300ml. Brown sugar 5-10g as you like.

With soup blender:

Red beans cook in boiling water for 10 min, medium heat.

Add in the other 3 ingredients except sugar. Cook for another 1-2 min.

Add all 5 red ingredients in blender, mix till smooth.

Serve warm and enjoy!

(without blender: Soak bean and peanut in water over night.)

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