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Cathy Jieyu

Soup therapy of today, 18-Dec

I got a request for soup therapy to boost both Blood and Qi.

For symptoms like: cold limbs in winter or even in summer, dizziness, feeling weak, heart palpitations and shortness of breath; Or blood deficiency, can be seen with pale complexion, dry skin, withered hair, dim vision, occasional numbness of hands and feet, insomnia and forgetfulness.

I’ve also had two mage-busy weeks before the xmas break, sitting for 10 hr concentrating at the computer. My Qigong practice time was compromised. So soup below would be perfect for us. Simply a nice winter soup.

Danggui Huangqi Chicken soup:
(For 1-2 person)

Danggui/Tang Kuei 30 g
Huangqi 60 g
Chinese dates 5 dates
Whole chicken 700-1000 g
Goqi berry 7g

Fresh mushroom 50g (optional)
Rice wine 10ml (optional)
Shanzha/ Crataegus pinnatifida 15g (optional)

Remove the pit of dates. Put everything in the stewing pot, add 2 liters of water, boil up then simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to server.

Shanzha is recommended for stomach unease, as a supportive ingredient for week digest system. If applying this soup as therapy, take once or twice a week for a month. Together with regular Qigong/Taiqi practice it will be more effective.

Left to right: Dates, Huangqi, Goqi berry, Danggui

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