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Cathy Jieyu

The art of living in four seasons – Spring

As things calming down, it’s time for some theory 🙂 I will be sharing quotes from an ancient classic, Huangdi Neijing, the fundamental sources of Chinese medicine. It’s written around two thousand years ago and I am still benefiting from most of its value. This ancient wisdom describes how to nurture and engage your vital energy, how to follow the energy flow of external nature and while becoming conscious and mindful of your own internal nature, how to adapt my lifestyle and my interaction with others in different seasons, helping me to realise my daily tasks with much less stress and effort. No matter which country I live in, I’ve been benefited so much from it.

The art of living, Spring

– A chapter from Huangdi Neijing

In the three months of spring, all beings on earth are awakening and flourishing. We would suggest people stay up later in the night and get up earlier in the morning. Take a stroll with wide steps close to home, loosen the hair and clothes to relax the body and enliven the mind. 

Spring is time for life, reborn, not death. In our work and life, sharing and offering are encouraged rather than withdrawal and being selfish. Supporting and granting rather than punishment nor depriving. Avoid killing.

The most active element is wood. Wood pairs with the liver organ. Adapting well with the Spring energy on earth regenerates our energy. It also prepares well for the summer with sufficient wood for fire (summer element).

— End of the section.

I’ll eliminate further and share examples on how to apply them in modern life in the next posts. Sending you a smile and chat soon.

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